‘The thing is,’ said the woman to her friend, ‘is that I can’t reach anywhere near my toes, and everyone else around you will be going so much further, and then you just feel so stupid and like this really isn’t for me. And that,’ she concluded, ‘is why I can’t do yoga.’ My heart […]
Category Archives: Uncategorised
7 ways to connect with your energy in your yoga practice
Yoga helps us to connect to, and work with our energy in lots of different ways. One of the principles of yoga is Brahmacharya, or ‘right use of energy.’ As Hannah Barrett explains so beautifully in her book Yoga Happy, Brahmacharya can be seen as being about cherishing and respecting all life energy, and that […]
What we water with our attention grows: cultivating friendliness, compassion and happiness through meditation
Have you ever sat quietly long enough to observe your thoughts, perhaps to meditate, and noticed that many of them are negative? Or maybe when you’ve come to be still for long enough you’ve noticed an inner monologue which might be distinctly unfriendly towards you, perhaps judgemental or critical? Knowing that we might encounter negative […]